Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Peek into my Head of Long Ago

Kelley, the friend in Lake Oswego who treated me to hearing Wayne Dyer talk, had a little envelope for me when I got there. I have been familiar with her handwriting since Junior High. On the outside she had written,

"others' writings Sharon 1977"

I just got around to finding out what was inside because I knew it would take emotional energy that I simply couldn't afford until now. 1977 was the year I had moved to Stamford, Connecticut - my lonely lonely desperate senior year in high school. At the last minute I became a puck bunny and my life turned into instant popularity via sex, drugs and rock 'n roll with the Captain of the hockey team, but it was a long lonely painful time until that came along.

This was February and Kelley drove up from New Jersey, picked me up, and together we embarked on a road trip to New Hampshire. I had been to New Hampshire every summer for about 3 or 4 years throughout my teens, but this was my first time going anywhere with Kelley. I had a love-hate relationship with Kelley, mostly out of jealousy on my part, because she was continually going on these exotic vacations (i.e., Aruba at 16 years old!) to faraway places and her family always had these gorgeous photographs framed in their home. Hm, see the beginnings of my passions, anyone?

So this trip was special because Kelley graced me by including me in her perfect bubble she always seemed to be walking around in. It was a great time - she drove a white Volkswagen Rabbit with Yes playing the entire way.

The envelope, oh yeah - what was in there? We had jotted down funny road signs we had seen on the back roads of-

Frost Heaves

Blind Person
Deaf Child

Saddle Horses

Otter Bridge Dam (ok so we were stoned)

There was a sort of stick figure guy gesturing to a building and the sign said, Bill Ding

And we heard a weather report on the radio that called for "snizzle and drizzle"

And then there were snippets of things I had written in my journal that Kelley had copied over:

Lay down on dreams
& things remembered
It's just the same -
this miss-you game

Open highway -
I'm free & flying
You'll take me where I'm going
The sun is shining
Got a friend by my side
Scenes of beauty flying' by

There were pages and pages of lyrics we'd written down. One was to the Renaissance music I used to dance to, "Carpet of the Sun" which bears repeating:

Come along with me
Down into the world of seeing
Come and you'll be free
Take the time and find the feeling
See everything on its own
And you'll find you know the way
And you'll know the things you're shown
Owe everything to the day
Come along and try
Looking into ways of giving
Maybe we will fly
Find a dream that we will live in
We'll look into the eyes of time
Past ages have turned to dust
And born somewhere on the line
The loving that grows with us

Come into the day
Feel the sunshine warmth around you
Sounds from far away
Music of the love that found you
The seed that you plant today
Tomorrow will be a tree
And living goes on this way
It's all a part of you and me
See the carpet of the sun
The green grass, soft and sweet
Sands up in the shores of time
Of ocean, mountains deep
Part of the world that you live in
You are the part that you're giving

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